An Ombudsman is a volunteer (who may be a spouse, reservist, or Auxiliarist) that is designated by a Command to serve as a link between the command and families. They assist the command in its functions of providing information and related services to families regarding sources of assistance available to them, Coast Guard and command policies, and activities of interest to family members. They take confidential concerns of the families to the command. The Ombudsman is also available to help parents and other relatives of crew members. The Ombudsman is familiar with the local community and its resources.
For more information visit http://hdept.cgaux.org/ombudsman.htm
The AUXCHEF (Auxiliary Chef) Program is a National Auxiliary Program designed to provide trained Auxiliarists to fill-in at Small Boat Stations or on cutters to relieve FSs. The program allows FSs to attend training, take leave, etc. without the Station being short handed. The AUXCHEFs can also assist with VIP events, Change of Commands and other events such as picnics. AUXCHEFS can be available for a variety of time frames from one meal to several days. The AUXCHEFS do not shop for or supply food, they prepare the food the stations provide, and assist in serving and cleanup. AUXCHEFS are not authorized to handle cash. AUXCHEFS due supply that home cooked touch during the holidays and at special events.
For more information visit http://hdept.cgaux.org/auxchef.html
AUXOP Program (effective 01 January 2011): The AUXOP program will be revised to consist of core, leadership, and elective credit elements in order to give variety to Auxiliarists, increase practical AUXOP relevance to Coast Guard missions, and better assist the Coast Guard to fulfill needed skill sets. Under the new program, Auxiliarists will be required to successfully complete a minimum of seven (7) credits to receive the AUXOP qualification. This revision will give Auxiliarists more choices to meet program requirements, allow the pursuit of preferred focus areas, and apply credit for ICS training and expertise.
For more information visit http://www.cgaux.org/training/AUXOP.html
Medical Liaison
The Coast Guard (CG) recognizes that the CG Auxiliary is composed of many skilled volunteers, some of whom are trained, qualified, licensed or registered to perform many of the same health care activities that are performed by active duty personnel. Some Auxiliarists are willing to perform health care activities on a volunteer basis for the USCG.
For more information visit http://hdept.cgaux.org/healthservices.html
Interpreter Corps
The US Coast Guard Auxiliary Interpreter Corps is a Division of the USCG Auxiliary International Affairs Directorate. Interpreters are members of the USCG Auxiliary and offer their linguistic skills to the US Coast Guard and other agencies of the Department of Homeland Security.
For more information visit http://icdept.cgaux.org
Trident/Marine Safety Program
The United States Coast Guard is chartered to be the Guardian of the Citizens of the United States of America, its Waterways, and its delicate and precious Marine Environment. This is no small feat for a force of about 80,000 dedicated and hard working individuals with a mission that large. We, as members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, can be a vital part of that mission. This mission has been highlighted by the Commandant of the Coast Guard as Force Multiplication. While there are some parts of the mission we as Auxiliarists cannot perform, specifically direct Law Enforcement and Military Action, we can add our efforts to help the Coast Guard complete its mission and in doing so serve our fellow citizens and country at the same time. An Active Duty or Reserve Coast Guard Member wears the M-Pro device when they have completed the requirements demonstrating competency in at least four areas of the Marine Safety field. To demonstrate this competency in any of their specialization areas, they must complete a program that not only demonstrates their expertise as a subject matter expert, but also documents a level of experience in performing that job over a suitable period of time meeting the US Coast Guard standards. When they achieve this level of performance they are authorized to wear the M-Pro device, it is a recognition, not only of their expertise, but to their service to and dedication to the high standards of the US Coast Guard.
For more information visit http://pdept.cgaux.org/TridentMain.htm